
4 Adventure-Packed Activities to Try in 2022

Sarah Mac on 30th Dec 2021

Fancy doing something new and exhilarating in 2022? Of course you do! So, get ready and brace yourself for adventure and excitement as we put forward some inspired suggestions to fill your New Year bucket list.


1. Bikepacking

Bikepacking is considered the new way to explore the land, roaming the hills on a mountain bike, with camping gear in tow. Whilst the basics of bikepacking and backpacking are much the same, there are clear advantages to the former, not least the extra distance you can cover thanks to pedal power.

Depending on the terrain, 60-100 miles a day is usually possible at a comfortable speed. By carrying all your gear on your bike rather than your back, you don’t have to worry about aches and pains. But it’s not an activity that’s without its challenges. It’s without a doubt endurance cycling, so expect tired legs, and a good night’s sleep.

If you’re making the move from backpacking to bikepacking, it’s actually quite easy. You’ll already have the lightweight camping gear, so all you need to do is swap your backpack for a set of bikepacking frame bags. It’s all about making your adventure your own. There are no set rules about what to take, where to go or how far to ride. So if you’re a free spirit, bikepacking could well be for you.

There’s more about bikepacking etiquette, as well as a list of some of the best bikepacking routes in the UK, right here.


2. Bothying

You love the outdoors, so you’re for sure going to be up for a spot of bothying. A bothy is a simple mountain dwelling where you can stay for free. If you’re a lover of no-frills overnighters, this is for you. You’ll get a roof, four walls, somewhere to sleep and sometimes, a wood burning stove.

Bothies are usually nestled in the valleys between mountains, sat on the shores of lakes or perched atop a rugged coastline. The beauty of these getaways is that they offer unbridled access to some of the most stunning landscapes in the UK. They also make superb stopovers for hikes, and of course, for bikepacking.

If the call of the wild is getting louder as you learn more about bothying, why not start planning a route? Read on for ten of the best bothies to check out for your next adventure.


3. Scrambling

If you’re someone who spends time walking in the mountains and hills around Britain, it’s pretty much inevitable that you’ll find yourself coming across routes that call for a spot of scrambling at some point.

Scrambling is when your walking route gets steep and rocky, to the point where you need to use your hands to pull yourself up. A lot of UK walking routes involve scrambling, and you may even have unwittingly already experienced it to a certain extent. But only when there are prolonged stretches that need you to use your hands will it be classed as a scrambling route.

Many people are daunted by the prospect of scrambling, seeing it as a version of rock climbing. But in actual fact, most scrambling routes are not so precarious, and you could be missing out on some spectacular walks that are in fact well within your means if you talk yourself out of going anywhere that involves scrambling. Starting with some easy routes, and throwing in a bit of practice, you’ll be well on your way to opening up a new world of walking opportunities.

Read on to learn more about the grades of scrambling, what equipment you need, and where to go scrambling in the UK.


4. Waterfall watching

If you’re mesmerised by the wonder of waterfalls, why not make it your mission in 2022 to take in a spot of waterfall watching? The great news is that there is an array of waterfalls across the UK.

Whatever the time of year, waterfalls always add a spot of magic to a countryside walk. Whether you stop a while on a warm day to cool down, or take in the invigorating power that follows a storm or heavy downpour, you’ll never fail to get lost in the romance of a waterfall.

Inspired? Check out this guide to where to find the best waterfalls in the UK, from north to south, and everywhere in between.

Waterfall watching

Planning your 2022 adventures?

Go prepared! Get all the kit you need for a happy night under cover from the Outhaus online store.